Flint Rising

GOAL: Fundraising to hire an organizing coordinator for the Flint Rising coalition.

SCOPE OF WORK: Video (filming + production) shared through email and social media

OUTCOME: Raised over $25,000

Catalino Guerrero

GOAL: To stop the deportation of Catalino Guerrero by mobilizing broad-based public support and the engagement of his elected officials.

SCOPE OF WORK: Video (filming), paired with email and social media campaign development and execution; documented Catalino's ICE check-ins


  • Catalino's deportation was stopped: Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) granting both he and his wife a 12-month stay of deportation
  • Engaged New Jersey Senator Cory Booker to call the national ICE office on Catalino's behalf (responded to tweets)
  • Mobilized New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez to accompany Catalino to his ICE check in (responded to personal story)
  • Had more than 5.3k views, likes and shares of the video

Ban the Box

BTB petitions to white house.png

GOAL: Provide fair second chances for returning citizens by banning the 'formerly incarcerated check box on federal job applications.

SCOPE OF WORK: A digital campaign of 5 emails - centering the voices (written, photo, video) of formerly incarcerated organizers and clergy - paired with social media calling for signatures and for participants to send their photos with us to the White House, telling President Obama how banning the box would change life for them and the people they love.


  • President Obama passed an executive order banning the box
  • 10,000+ signatures
  • 8,000 stories
  • Formerly incarcerated leaders, though being barred in the past, carried the petitions, stories and photos into their meeting with the White House


NO BOOTS, No Beds, No wall

GOAL: To stop the Trump's budget additions for ICE and Border Patrol agents, detention beds, and building of a border wall by driving calls to elected officials.

SCOPE OF WORK: Directed video storyline and interviews, filmed court and border wall b-roll

OUTCOME: On going

    Pilgrimage for a pathway to citizenship


    • NARRATIVE GOAL: To build public momentum around the 15 immigrant 'pilgrims' walking 285 miles from Sacramento to Bakersfield, calling on their Representatives to support immigration reform
    • ORGANIZING GOAL: To press for a meeting with House Whip Kevin McCarthy at the terminus of the pilgrimage, in his district where he had been refusing to meet with immigrant constituents

    SCOPE OF WORK: Multi media (interviews, graphics and production), walked with the pilgrims to document their work, national email campaign, and social media targeting elected officials.


    • Got the meeting with Rep. Kevin McCarthy
    • Rep. Devin Nunes - in response to a graphic indicating who was meeting with the pilgrims and was in support of immigration reform - called the team, asking for a meeting and how he could be turned from yellow to green on the graphic
    • Built state-wide grassroots momentum around the pilgrimage, turning out 5,000 for an ending rally in Bakersfield

    People + planet

    GOAL: End-of-year donor report to procure more funding / Inspirational recruitment tool for People's Action chapters not yet doing climate work.

    SCOPE OF WORK: Multi media (interviews, graphics and production)

    OUTCOME: In-process / Shared at People's Action national training event in November 2017


    GOAL: To amplify realities on the ground of police brutality and community struggle after the death of Michael Brown.

    SCOPE OF WORK: Video, photo essays, digital organizing, social media


    • VIDEO: It is Our Duty to Fight for Our Freedom – 30k views, likes and shares; was #2 in #BlackLivesMatter Protest Music on Buzz Feed
    • PHOTO ESSAY: The Truth Comes Out – 558 shares
    • PSA: Images and videos included in Ferguson PSA for BET and Amnesty Intl. 
    • Images picked up by 12 outlets, used by 12 organizations and published in 2 books
    • Elevated profile of PICO as new agencies tweeted, asking to use real-time coverage

    See Ferguson photo essay >>

    Hope. And standing on the right side of history

    GOAL: Countering the hopelessness of ongoing police brutality and the debilitating policies of this current Administration with a message of hope and unified call to resist.

    SCOPE OF WORK: Assisted with video direction; provided all b-roll and images

    OUTCOME: More than 3.5k views, shares and likes